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? ?Arcadia is a world of magic and myth.? ?It is ruled by Oberon and Titania of the Fae.? All your fantasy creatures roam the lush forests and vast seas.? ?The goddess Riannon walks with her unicorns and dragons, while the evil Queen Mab plots and schemes.? Science is welcomed, along with magic.? The Wizard of Gleemwood has build a robot army, while the vampires of Unther kill and hunt under the light of Selene.

Posted : August 12, 2010 11:58 pm
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We have to visit here soon.

Posted : March 6, 2013 2:05 am
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If I go, I'm bringing a wish apple.

Posted : March 6, 2013 6:18 pm
Posts: 3186
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I figured Dick would be the first one who visited here. Looks like I was wrong.

This will be the next world???

Posted : October 19, 2013 2:38 am
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Arcadia is ruled by the Fae, don't call them faeries, they are the diminutive lesser fae. The Fae are tall, noble beings, averaging 7 or 8 feet tall. They are red, green, sometimes blue or even orange. Some have antlers, ram like horns, antenna or sometimes wings.
They are aloof and arrogant, and will hold grudges for ever. They rule with unconcern for humans, dwarves, and halflings, who are a bit more than apes to them.

They tolerate the Elves, who share some natural affinity for magic. The elves tolerate them, but still regard themselves as superior. There is a tension between the two that has broken out in battles, if not wars over the years.

Many human cities hate the Fae, as they demand child sacrifices periodically. If the tithe is paid, and the Fae are undisturbed, then humans are left to rule as they wish in their filthy cities.

Make no mistake, the power of the Fae is omnipresent. Let no drop of blood touch the ground, as the Redcaps will grow and destroy. Every 9 years the goblins come screaming from the forest and eat up everything not made of stone.

Trolls force travelers to pay a toll on roads, ether in gold or blood.

And all Fae and mortal, live in fear of the Chaos Dragons. Horrid beast who mated with the Lords of Disharmony and are so perverse, their shadow cause all who are unpure to turn to horrid beasts.*

The Mavens, a society of virgin warrior women, and the Harpers, men skilled in woodlore, try to protect and warn mortals from the coming of any Chaos Dragon.

The Wizard of Gleemwood says he can slay one, with his mechanical army. He demands gold to build his mighty War Golemn. Is he serious or is this a ploy?

Posted : October 19, 2013 4:58 pm
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*The Chaos afflicted are sometimes not so obvious to spot. True many turn outwardly to beasts and are killed for the safety of the unafflicted, but a few are inwardly cursed. Their minds become chaotic and become raving madmen.

And few, thank the gods, become clever madmen...

Posted : October 19, 2013 5:02 pm
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The Arcadians take their Swordlore very seriously. They believe that blood conveys very powerful magic. A sword can take that magic and through the deeds of its master can become a weapon awesome to behold.

Bewarned, many who seek to become the master of such an enchanted blade have unleashed untold horrors upon the land. The power of a murderer's weapon can only become blacker than a Necromancer's heart. While the sword of the just, the sword of a defender, well that sword can cut even the strongest of evils.

Posted : October 29, 2013 3:36 am
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Orcs:? Body Power: Alien Metabolism
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? a) Heightened Senses: Infravision: +2 hit, x2 Detections.
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? b) Heightened Senses: Smell
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? +2 Hit, x2 Detections.
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? c) Lowered Intelligence: -6
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? d) Lowered Will:? ? -6
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? e) Heightened Endurance:
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? +14
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? f) Lowered Charisma: -10
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? g) Natural Weaponry: +2 hit, +4 damage. Combo of bone strength, nails, and style.
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?h) Lowered Humanity: Max Score is 4

Orcs are bred for fighting, following, orders and not much else.

Posted : November 3, 2013 5:06 pm
Posts: 3186
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So much for Grodek The Beautiful. I'll make the changes and see how it works out. Should be intersting though. I did not assign Humanity so it will be a 4 since he was not Human

Posted : November 3, 2013 5:14 pm
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Dwarves are short, squat and tough. They excel at anything that requires stamina. They are excellent builders, laborers, and warriors. Male dwarves outnumber female dwarves by about 4 to one, so polyandry is quite common. Good look figuring out which one is the wife, as dwarven woman sport long beards too!

They are very loyal, and are prone to nearly cultish devotion to family. If you mock a dwarf, you might just get a face full of saliva as he laughs it off, but mock his family, you made an enemy for life.

There is no room for a weak dwarf, so while it is rare, infanticide is practiced.

They are considered greedy by non-Dwarves, but this is not really true. They are proud, and they know that they are the best at forging, building and fighting. If you want to hire them, if you want their products, then you have to pay their prices. They know they are the best, and demand the best payment.

Dwarves hate Orks and Giants. They tolerate Elves, and have an odd respect for them. They have no time for frivolous halfings, and begrudgingly trade and work with smelly humans. They have an almost religious reverence for gnomes, which no one has seen on Arcadia, so they might be extinct.

Dwarves really don?t like the Fae. They call them pests and honey lickers. They will trade with them. But they prefer to stay away from them.

Racial Abilities:
Heightened Endurance: +15
Size Change: HF ? WF 1
Heightened Sense: Infravision +2 hit, x2 to det.
Mutant Power: Can learn most knowledge areas about building, warfare, and such at half the inventing points as other races. Its almost as if their brains were designed for construction.

Posted : November 23, 2013 4:36 pm
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They know they are not from Arcadia, but they don?t recall exactly where home is.? They long to return, but don?t know how.? ?Still, Arcadia wasn?t bad, that is, until the humans came.? The Elders remember the paradise before the hairless apes.?

The Elves are standoffish, aloof and mysterious.? ?They consider themselves the master race and begrudgingly concede that the Fae have something to offer.? It is, after all, the Fae?s world and the Elves are just passing though.

Elves consider everyone else to be their servants.? Dwarves build the things they need, and halfings are their pets.? Humans, while once a bother, are a serious threat.? ?Seems Elves are pretty susceptible to their diseases.? While once they numbered in the millions, they are now down to a few thousand or so.?

Do to their long lives, they have mastered many arts.? They dislike physical work, as that is for the grubby Dwarves.? They will fight, but prefer stealthy means of war; commando raids, assassinations and the like to open war.? ?Nothing and I mean nothing is more beautiful than Elvish art and song.? ?

They are tall and lean.? With beautiful features.? It is a shame that their fear of human sickness has forced them to cover their flesh with robes and masks when out of their forests and glens.? They live in harmony with Arcadia, and you could walk among one of their villages and never know it.?

They are the one race that is excepted from the horrible Tithe.? Seems the Fae and the Elves reached an accord many centuries ago.

Racial Abilities:
Heightened Senses:? Infravision: +2 hit, x2 detections
Longevity: Seems their lifespan is increased by a factor of 100
This gives elves +1d20 bonus points for the use of knowledge areas at creation.
Heightened Agility: +10
Heightened Charisma: +10
Heightened Will: +10
Lowered Endurance: -10
Lowered Strength: -10
Mutation:? Male elves roll for weight as if they were female.

Posted : November 23, 2013 5:06 pm
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Like the dwarves, the halflings came to Arcadia with the Elves. But Arcadia being what it is, the helpless, cute pets of the Elves just couldn?t make it on their own. They either doubled up on their obsequiousness or died. Many well to do have their own pet Halflings. Any decent sized town will have a brothel well stocked with these cute, fuzzy footed darlings. Many municipalities breed Halflings like cattle to offer to the Fae for the Tithe, as the Fae don?t seem to know the difference between Halfling babies and human babies.

Lone Halfling settlements either die out rather fast, or, with the help of a charismatic leader, learn very fast what it takes to live when you are the smallest of people.

Roaming bands of Halfling entertainers are not unheard of. Who doesn?t love seeing miniature people falling down or slapping each other?s faces? It?s a shame that things always seem to be missing whenever the hobbits come to town.

Racial Abilities:
Size Change: Hf ? Wf ?
Lowered charisma: -10
Lowered intelligence: -10
Heightened Will: + 10
Heightened Humanity: + 10

Posted : November 23, 2013 5:24 pm
Posts: 3186
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Loving this. Have to ask though why the -10 Charisma for the Halflings

No self esteem? No leadership?

Posted : November 23, 2013 5:33 pm
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Arcadia was blissfully free of Humans until about 10,000 years ago.? ?They came from somewhere.? While smelly and annoying, the Elves and Dwarves ignored them as they were dumb and small in number.? ?Soon, the world was full of them.? ?Not only was the air foul with their crude voices, but also foul with their germs.
While nothing too special as individuals, the humans seem to possess the two greatest abilities of all the Peoples of Arcadia:? Quick Breeding, and Disease carrying.

Within a few centuries of their arrival, only the Fae were unaffected by their ability to spread plagues.? ?In fact, if not for the Fae demanding one tenth of each Human born as their tithe, who knows how bad things would become?

Racial Abilities
Fecund:? Humans breed like, well, dirty humans.

Germ Carriers:? Humans excel at three things:? Murder, Breeding, and spreading sickness.

Posted : November 23, 2013 5:39 pm
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4F42574C43434C4B050 wrote: Loving this. Have to ask though why the -10 Charisma for the Halflings

No self esteem? No leadership?

Hard to be taken seriously when you always look like a child.

Posted : November 23, 2013 5:49 pm
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